Final Exhortations
Final Exhortations
Philippians 4:14-20
Greg Pollak
Philippians 4:14-20
Money is to be a source, but it is not to be My Source.
- Ecclesiastes 5:10
- Psalm 37:16
- Matthew 6:21-24
- Malachi 3:10
Why should we give our treasures?
1. It furthers the Gospel
- Philippians 4:14-17
- Acts 16:15
- Acts 16:34
- Haggai 1:2-9
2. It shows we are stewards
- Philippians 4:18
- Genesis 1:26-28
- Genesis 2:15
- Luke 16:10-13
- 1 Timothy 6:6-10
3. It glorifies God
- Philippians 4:19-20
- 1 Corinthians 10:31
Why should we give our time, talent, and treasure?
1. It furthers the Gospel
2. It shows we are stewards
3. It glorifies God
- Ezekiel 33:30-33
- Matthew 16:26
- Acts 8:20
Connection Builder(s)
Complete the following statement. Try not to limit it to tangible objects. Dream big! If money grew on trees, I would...
If you couldn't have a money tree, what kind of tree would you like to have? What one thing would you like to grow on it?
Sermon Questions
How has the whole letter to the Philippian believers shown us what "Gospel partnership" is?
Have modern believers learned the secret of financial contentment? In what ways have modern believers given in to the pressures of business success, inflation, and material security?
What does it mean that God will meet all our needs accoring to the riches of Jesus?
Why is it important that Paul included verse 20? What does this say about his perspective?
In what way does giving money away profit the giver?
How have these verses encouraged you to view your money/treasures in the way that the Philippian church did? What would taking a similar view mean for you practically?