Fulfill and Follow the Law
Fulfill and Follow the Law
Matthew 5:17-20
Greg Pollak
What does Jesus think of the bible we are reading?
1. He came to fulfill it
  - Matthew 5:17
  - John 7:46
  - Matthew 5:17
  - John 5:39
  - Luke 24:25-27
  - Luke 24:44-45
  - Matthew 5:18
  - John 17:17
2. He wants us to follow it
  - Matthew 5:19
  - Matthew 15:8-9
  - Matthew 5:20
  - Matthew 5:48
1. Read the Word of God and fall in love with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2. Follow God's Word from gratitude.
Connection Builders
Take some time as a group for impromptu "popcorn praises". Have people share things they want to praise God for.
As a kid, what were some of your family rules? Were you able to obey them easily? Were you always getting in trouble?
Sermon Questions
Read Matthew 5:17-20.
Explain why Jesus chose to explain His position on the Law and the Prophets. How would Jesus "fulfill" the prophets and accomplish everything in the Law?
The scribes and pharisess were Jewish leaders who devoted their whole lives to obedience, yet Jesus expected his followers to surpass the righteousness of their Jewish leaders. Read Matthew 15:7-9; 23:1-33. In light of these passages, how would you describe the different kind of righteousness for which Jesus called?
Read Jeremiah 31:31-33 and Ezekiel 36:26-27. How do these passages give context to what Jesus said in this section of His sermon? How do these passages give you hope?
Greg talked about the idea that living by God's Word should flow from a grateful heart responding to who God is, what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do. Do you feel most people look at living by God's Word as fulfilling God's Laws legally (like obeying traffic laws), or do most people look at living by God's Word from a heart responding with love and gratefulness? Explain. Which do you see yourself living by?